Install Docker to run as Windows(R) service

Zeisberg GmbH

Install Docker to run as Windows(R) service





Enable WSL using PowerShell

  1. Open the Windows Powershell as an administrator

    1. Type "powershell" into your Windows start menu.

    2. Click "Run as Administrator", or right-click the PowerShell icon and go to "Run as Administrator".

    3. You probably have to click "yes" again when you are asked if you want to allow PowerShell to make changes to your computer.

  2. When you get a command prompt in PowerShell, copy/paste this entire command and hit Enter:

    wsl --install

    This will also install an Ubuntu Linux.

make sure, that WSL 2 is installed!

See Additional information: check WSL version




Run Ubuntu from start menu.


Enter username and password for the Linux user.

See here for details: Set up a WSL development environment


Install Docker in Ubuntu

Replace $USER with the name of the user that you have created in the last step.


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