Brief description of the VertiGuard device

Zeisberg GmbH

Brief description of the VertiGuard device

The VertiGuard system® is a battery-operated and mobile device with integrated operating and display elements as well as four wired vibrators (only in the RT version). The VertiGuard® is worn on a belt around the waist. The vibrators are worn on the same belt and are located at the front, back, right and left. The device measures upper body sway in the sagittal and horizontal planes (D and RT versions) and generates adjustable vibrotactile feedback via the vibrator that is worn in the direction in which the threshold value is exceeded (RT version) when preset threshold values are exceeded.

Different feedback levels can be specified for each direction (v/h/r/l) by specifying the threshold value for the upper body sway. The vibration is specified for each feedback level by specifying the frequency and duty cycle of the vibrator control. These parameters are used to define a profile that can differentiate between normal and fault-relevant accelerations for a specific movement sequence (D version) and define corresponding feedback (RT version). 

Six of these profiles can be stored in the device for everyday movements and can be activated by pressing a button. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the upper body sway measurement can be increased and decreased using two buttons. The selected program is indicated by a green LED above the corresponding program button. The sensitivity setting is shown on a self-illuminating OLED display.

The device can be connected to a PC via Bluetooth. It allows the recording of body sway in the sagittal and horizontal planes over a presettable period of time and the transfer of the recorded time series to the PC. Furthermore, the current body sway in both dimensions can be queried online by the PC in order to provide the patient with visual feedback (RT version). For training purposes, feedback or threshold values can be calculated from the data obtained and transferred to the device (RT version). By pressing a button, it is then possible to choose between different training profiles with the corresponding sensitivity profiles. 

The internal NiMH rechargeable batteries can be charged using an external charger supplied. The charge status is displayed via the software. 

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