GET / PUT cameragain

Zeisberg GmbH

GET / PUT cameragain




{ "right": 100, "left": 100 }

MQTT response

Changes to camera gain settings are published via MQTT topic merlin/config:

{ "parameter": "cam_gain_right", "value": "150", "info": "SetGain succeeded", }

respectively cam_gain_left for the left camera.

info can contain an error message in the form "SetGain failed: <error>"


Values are permanently stored in the device config file.

If streaming is active, the values are immediately set in the hardware and take effect with the next frame captured.

Changed values or error messages are also send via MQTT in topic “merlin/config” with

  • parameter = cam_gain_right / cam_gain_left

  • value

  • info

    • SetGain succeeded

    • SetGain failed: <error>

The maximum and minimum values for IMX273 are

  • min = 0

  • max = 480

  • step = 1

  • default (v4l2) = 200

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