Zeisberg GmbH
Options KA450
Highest tone audiometry up to 20 kHz
with additional air receiver https://hno.shop/products/dd450-hochton-kopfhorer
Frequencies 9 kHz, 10 kHz, 11.2 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 14 kHz, 16 kHz in db(HL)
Frequencies 18 kHz, 20 kHz in dB(SPL)
incl. narrowband noise at the specified audiometric frequencies
LED matrix
Optional LED matrix for the KA 450 clinical audiometer.
Service for semi-automatic recording on audiogram forms according to DIN 45627
Binaural version
Full field
all audiometric frequencies from 125 Hz to 8 kHz
Level range from -10 dB to 120 dB
DD45 headphones with pediatric headband
DD45 with soundproof headphones
audioApp Audiometry Software
WESTRA - Audiological speech tests
The audiological speech tests from WESTRA are available as a software version and on CD.
They are all compatible with our audiometers.
Please note that when using the language tests as a software version, you must also
the basic module Wave Audiometry must be acquired. Basic module wave audiometry
If you are interested in the language tests as a software module, please contact us!
You can conveniently order the language tests on CD in our online store:
Freiburg language test
Mainz + Göttingen children's test
and many more...
Gutenbergstrasse 39 * 72555 Metzingen
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